USAFA - Spirit of 76 - Legacy Project - REPORT! Interviews with the Long Blue Line.
Season 1 USAFA - Spirit of 76 podcast, CS- 36 Pink Panther focused interviews with personalities from a tight, quirky group of cadets/grads and friends. Season 2 Expands to other classes and cadet squadrons covering the long blue line's history via personalities and tales across the decades. Enjoy and learn! Season 3 More classes and squadrons and interesting stories from the Long Blue Line. Season 4 Focusing on Spirit of 76 Classmates in an attempt to broaden the Legacy of the 76ers and impact current cadets at their 1/2 way decision point. Hang in there!

Saturday Apr 16, 2022
Saturday Apr 16, 2022
Drew shares his story of academic challenges and academy struggles with his indomitable spirit that let him become CAPTAIN AIR FORCE at home football games as an upper class cadet. He shares his active duty lessons learned and current activities as well. This dry description doesn't do justice to the energy and fun he expressed during the episode. If you need a "pick-me-up" check out Drew's story.

Sunday Mar 27, 2022
Sunday Mar 27, 2022
Pete grew up in Connecticut and thought about either Yale or Cornell till he got the yearning to fly. Was CT state champ gymnast and liked the price of USAFA so headed off to the Base of the Ramp in 72. Great cadet with accolades as Distinguished Grad, Honor Committee Chairman, and Situational Leadership trainer. On active Duty flew F-4's and F-16's at Columbus, Clark, Torrejón, & MacDill. Left USAF after 13 years to pursue missionary work in Cameroon, Chad, and Congo. Spent 15 years away from the US and only returned when his kids were approaching HS ages. Still active in a Management role at Wycliffe Bible Translators.

Sunday Mar 13, 2022
Sunday Mar 13, 2022
Bryce is the son of a 79 Grad and as a cadet was noteworthy as a KAFA DJ, Recondo instructor, and Poly Sci major. IN USAF he became a C-130 and RPV pilot spending much time in the desert, Nevada and SW Asia. At the time of this interview Bryce is living with his family in Omaha an still in the USAF Reserves. He has quite the update on doolie year for us older coots.

Sunday Feb 27, 2022
Sunday Feb 27, 2022
This is the Bernie Goldbach episode - Spirit of 76 classmate and quite the character. I hope we make it through the censors with this one. Bernie received long distance running fame (sort of) as cadet, possesses a creative he mind he applied to special USAF missions while on active duty, and is a leading edge media professional today in Ireland. Bernie wrote an autobiography I will share once I determine how to find it and where it is sold.

Monday Feb 21, 2022
Monday Feb 21, 2022
Expanding from Spirit of 76 Pink Panthers to other squadrons and other classes of graduates (for the most part) from the US Air Force Academy.

Monday Feb 21, 2022
Monday Feb 21, 2022
This episode you meet Major General (RET) Dave Clary. Raised as an Army brat, cadet Chorale singer, Boy's State supporter, UPT IP Pilot, A-10 pilot in UK, A-7 Pilot aboard USS Carl Vinson, AFSC faculty Maxwell, more A-10's in UK leading to several command assignments from AZ to HI to NM to Osan to Offut. Later career took him to Pentagon and commands with impressive leaders in our overseas combat operations. Now working for Booz Allen and still supporting the mission.

Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
COL (ret) Rich King was one of the guys who excelled as a cadet, F-4 WSO, and career AF officer. After active duty he spent 20 years working for WBB in the DC area supporting efforts to improve the Air Force. Rich and I met one summer as upperclassmen and ran into each other once in Korea in 1981. He has a great attitude and solid message for all.

Saturday Nov 27, 2021
Saturday Nov 27, 2021
This episode you meet Major General Mike Worden, one of the most illustrious members of the Class of 76. Mike was NEVER a Pink Panther but has experiences with our wild group from his cadet days, while on active duty, and now as a retired MG. Mike had quite the cadet football career followed by an outstanding military career where he served in four conflicts. He has quite interesting stories and we start with one from our cadet days and his intro to the Pink Panther mindset.

Sunday Nov 14, 2021
Sunday Nov 14, 2021
Here is my first Pink Panther roomie, Steve Jorgensen. Steve was a CS-36 Squadron Commander our Firstie year, lead the mass procurement event of Trans AM's our 2nd Class year, became an F-15 pilot in PACAF and left Active Duty for American Airlines where he flew for over 30 years. Now Steve occupies his time working with all types of railroads. He has great stories about skiing, flight physicals, and being a Pink.

Saturday Nov 06, 2021
Saturday Nov 06, 2021
This episode is with Steve Odiorne. Steve and I were doolies together in the harsh CS-15 and enjoyed two years as Pink Panthers before he was transferred to CS-38 for Fristie year. Steve was also a cadet in the Drum and Bugle Corps, flew T-33 and F-106's in Air Defense Command and spent over 30 years with Lockheed in their Space Systems group as an operator for several NASA missions to Venus, Mars, and the Moon.